7 Habits and 5 Skill Sets Of Health Club Manager Training

The 7 Habits and 5 skill sets for Highly Effective Health Club Managers is a one-day workshop that provides insights and tools from Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Essential Club Industry Skill Sets taught by New Paradigm Partners, certified club industry experts. Managers learn to leverage hidden resources, define their contribution, hold team members accountable, develop time management skills, and unleash the potential of the team to achieve critical goals.

ELM Pre-Work: Recommended Reading 7 Habit of Highly Effective People, Required Online Quadrant Test (sent via email after registration is received), Required Purchase Covey Planning System

ELM Post – Work: Recommended Online Quadrant Test (sent via email after receipt of 21 day letter), 5 Secrets to personal productivity


  1. Marketing Skills
  2. Selling Skills
  3. Service Skills
  4. Management Skills
  5. Leadership Skills


  1. Proactive Fosters courage to take risks and accept new challenges to achieve goals
  2. Begin with the End in Mind Brings projects to completion and unites teams and organizations under a shared vision, mission, and purpose
  3. Put First Things First Promotes getting the most important things done first and encourages direct effectiveness
  4. Think Win-Win Encourages conflict resolution and helps individuals seek mutual benefit, increasing group momentum
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood    Helps people understand problems, resulting in targeted solutions; and promotes better communications, leading to successful problem-solving
  6. Synergize Ensures greater “buy-in” from team members and leverages the diversity of individuals to increase levels of success
  7. Sharpen the Saw Promotes continuous improvements and safeguards against “burn-out” and subsequent non-productivity

Membership Consultant Training

One Day Lecture
– Information Call Training
– Prospecting
– Tour and Presentation

Full Two Day Workshop and Training
Includes all the components of the one day lecture however spread over the course of two days to allow optimum time for role playing and skill acquisition and development.